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Project Type: Mixed Use / Social Housing

Location: Shoreditch, London

Status: Competition 

A Neighborhood Pitch is a conceptual proposal for a site in close proximity to the practice’s office. Born from a series of internal discussions regarding the lack of social housing and a growing homelessness problem in our city, we wanted to imagine one possible architectural solution.


Urban environments are shedding their unsustainable dependence on the car. The greater adoption of sustainable transport will continue, leaving a detritus of infrastructure that once supported the car. Increasingly redundant car parks that occupy privileged locations in urban centres present an opportunity to address our city’s homeless problems. This scheme proposes the transformation of one such site.


A central location means no damaging family relocation, it means easy access to key services and most importantly social recognition. The scheme proposes a series of efficient, self-contained homes clustered around a tranquil central courtyard. Residents would be those local to the site, with diverse resident groups housed in flexible and varied units. In addition to homes, the scheme proposes educational facilities and public facing program, linked by shared external spaces. Beyond housing, the additional functions could provide a route to sustainable and self-sustaining lifestyles through practical and applicable education. The proposal seeks to tackle the core causes of homelessness, providing residents with a place to stop, regroup and develop the requisite tools to thrive now and into the future.

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