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Courtyard House

Project Type: House Extension

Location: London, UK

Status: Concept Design

Located in South East London, this young family wanted a contemporary new living area imbued with a sense of enjoyment and a connection to nature.

The design seeks to minimise disruption to the existing trees, instead choosing to celebrate and protect them. The form of the rear extension responds to these trees, while a small office studio at the rear of the garden similarly respects the existing condition.

While the front rooms of the property retain their existing character, the space is transformed when moving towards the garden. A playful carved form creates a new courtyard space that will bring light deep into the existing floor plan. Curated views celebrate the existing trees of the property and draw in copious amounts of natural light. Recesses within the ceiling and a striking skylight help to zone the open plan space while allowing for free movement between the different areas.

An honest material palette is used both inside and out that celebrates the rawness of the materials instead of the conventional white box. A tactile, perforated brick brings a depth and texture to the space, which is complemented by the abundance of nature, in both the existing trees and the heavily planted courtyard.

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