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Project Type: Hotel

Location: Qionglai, China

Status: Concept Design

Set on a corner plot of a larger visitor centre, this resort hotel is designed as the final stop on the visitor’s journey. The existing context boasts a number of established trees. The hotel is designed to respect this setting. The design weaves between these trees, minimising the disruption and disturbance of the existing landscape.

This primary move lends itself to a meandering form that shrinks and expands to accommodate different hotel functions while respecting the context. A natural, solid sandstone plinth is punctured with a rhythmic language of colonnade. This expression draws from the verticality of the existing trees, while creating a series of curated and framed views of the landscape beyond.

Above, the hotel towers become distinct objects perched lightly atop the plinth. They reference the lighter materiality of the immediate context, while retaining a calm and ordered architectural language. 

This project is undertaken in collaboration with Office FUU in Shanghai.

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