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Project Type: Private Residential

Location: Sussex, UK

Status: Concept Design

Tasked with unlocking this rural mid-century home, several options have been proposed that will variously transform the existing property. The current kitchen is small and cut off from the rest of the house. Working with the client, we are proposing different ways to enhance the flow and connections across the property. All the designs bring the kitchen back to the heart of the home and of family life.  

Varying from light touch renovations and alterations, to more significant changes, all the options have the same core principles. Working to complement and augment the existing mid-century aesthetic, the proposals are designed to foster better and often unexpected connections between different spaces aswell as to the rural setting beyond. Embracing the mid-century fascination with functional and honest furniture, the proposals experiment with the most effective and impactful areas to introduce bespoke, crafted elements, while being cognisant of the client’s budget.

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